Mother, Child 2011/2000

Mother, Child 2011/2000
Interactive video projection
Digital files, custom software and hardware

Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art 5.12.2014 –1.3.2015

Finnish Museum of Photography 21.10.-20.11.2011

Mother, Child provides a performative space for enacting an affective relation to the other, who appears to be more than a moving image, but less than a real living being.

The image of an infant is projected onto a white fabric that the spectator is advised to spread across her arms. The child is seen from the point of view of the nursing mother. He reacts to the audience movement around him by crying, as if disturbed, but can be comforted by the person holding him. These behaviors are intuitive and the audience gradually discovers them while interacting with the child. The installation is based on the double exposure of two kinds of projections: the video projection is aligned with the psychical projective experience of responding to an infant.

Mother, Child has been completely technically reconstructed in 2011 while it was exhibited at the Finnish Museum of Photography. The first version premiered in New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles in 2000.

Mother, Child (2000/2011) Exhibitions:

2015 Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art, Turku, Finland
2011 Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland


Concept, production, video work, Heidi Tikka
Software development 2011, Juho Jouhtimäki
Software development 2000, Juhana Kallio
Technical design 2011/2000, Seppo Väkevä
Stage design 2011, Jaakko Pesonen
Exhibition architecture design 2000, Ilkka Suppanen, F2F

Financial support

Arts Council of Finland
Mother, Child 2000 in collaboration with F2F