”Enacting Agential Cuts – Notes on the Untitled 1-3 (2014)”
Aesthetic Intra-actions, Ruukku, Studies in Artistic Research, Nr 9, 2018, Research Catalogue (RC)

The exposition is a visual-textual essay in which I explore Karen Barad’s agential realism in conversation with my installation “Untitled 1-3” consisting of three interactive artifacts: knitted dress-like objects, responding to touch. An installation is understood here as an ongoing process of materialization which assumes different instantiations over time. I will approach these in dialogue with Barad’s concept of the “agential cut”, inquiring into three “cuts” in which the installation is enacted in three different configurations.>


Tikka, Heidi. ”Katoavien rajojen koordinaatit”. 2018.

Filmihullu, 3/2018

The article addresses the film “Drift” by Helena Wittmann, drawing attention to the materiality of experimental film practice.