“Tactile-sonic enactments – on affecting and being affected by air” RE:SOUND19, Media Art Histories, Aalborg University, Denmark 20.-23.8.2019 How to think of, and to orchestrate material events for mixed sensory experience, the entanglements of tactile, aural and visual? I will approach this question as an artist-researcher, in conversation with science […]
Category: News
With the theme Online Imaginaries, m-cult invites artists to work towards a new political imagination on the internet. Theme co-curator with Minna Tarkka https://www.m-cult.org/index.php/context/online-imaginaries Network Effects at Helsinki’s Oodi Central Library, November 17 – December 1, 2019. Exhibition co-curator with Minna Tarkka. https://www.m-cult.org/index.php/productions/network-effects
”Enacting Agential Cuts – Notes on the Untitled 1-3 (2014)” Aesthetic Intra-actions, Ruukku, Studies in Artistic Research, Nr 9, 2018, Research Catalogue (RC) The exposition is a visual-textual essay in which I explore Karen Barad’s agential realism in conversation with my installation “Untitled 1-3” consisting of three interactive artifacts: knitted […]
Body-Sensor Co-performances: Working with Interactive Technologies for New Media Art”, Keynote Lecture Monitoring the Self: Negotiating for Technologies of Health, Identity, and Governance; Nordic Network Gender, Body, Health; Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies 8.-10.11.2017 https://blogs.helsinki.fi/monitoring-the-self/ Over the last few decades, I have produced installations and artifacts, which act responsively towards […]
Herbarium now permanently installed in the Iso Omena Service Centre
Herbarium (2016) by Heidi Tikka & Juho Jouhtimäki is an interactive installation for a large Multitaction screen. It is permanently placed in the Iso Omena Service Centre, and was commissioned by the Espoo City Library. The Service Centre is built on a new concept, combining cultural, social and health services […]
VAFT – Video Art Festival Turku 19.-22.5.2016
The first Video Art Festival Turku (VAFT) was organized between 19.-22.5.2016. The selection of work for the exhibition and screening by Heidi Tikka. The title of the exhibition AUKI / ÖPPEN / OPEN could be read to refer to the joy and excitement for the new event finally being open […]
“On the Threshold of Liberty” (1992), latest screenings 2016
“ON THE THRESHOLD OF LIBERTY” (1992) Duration: 12’, Format: 16 mm Transmediale, “Touch of the Real”, HKW, Berlin 4.2.2016 LFMC 50: The Hands Are Also Hers , BFI, Southbank, London 27.4.2016 Distribution by Cinenova, London The film is for all of us who do not feel at home within the […]
At Hand in Sala del Portale, Venice and Art Fair Suomi’15
The moving image segments of At Hand have been arranged as continuous loops and into assemblages in which the digital technical infrastructure visibly supports the image. At Hand is an ongoing project in which I have filmed performances by anonymous participants. The work explores how the person’s affective being in […]
Art and Technology seminar and Screen Memories (1994) installation in AAVE Festival, Helsinki
Photo: Antti Ahonen With the emerging technologies, that bring VR applications, such as Oculus Rift, at the disposal of consumers, there has been a revived interest in the archaeologies of stereoscopic imaging. My two stereoscopic installations Screen Memories (1994) and Sovitus (1995) explored the construction of embodied visual experience […]
Residency at Triangle Arts
Photo: Sinem Dişli Residency at Triangle Arts, New York between 9.1.2015-30.3.2015. Triangle Arts Residency for Finnish Artist is a new residency program organized in collaboration by the Triangle Arts Association and the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York. It was made possible by the generous grant form the Finnish Cultural […]