Kosketusetäisyys – Within reach
The Finnish word “kosketusetäisyys” refers to the distance or the perimeter of what could become touchable within one’s reach. The three installations in the exhibition elaborate on this distance. They invite the visitor into the space in which the embodied relation to the other, as well as the relation to one’s own body is being explored. While the installation At Hand, projected onto the windows of the gallery and visible to the street in front of it, investigates how different individuals articulate their embodied being in the world through idle hand movements, the other two installations inside the gallery take the visitor’s skin and its capacity to transmit electricity as their starting point. Both GSR2 and the series of three untitled prototypes react to the visitor’s touch.
The starting point for the exhibition project was the idea of a fold, not only as a material form but as the space turned inside out.